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Time to get organized!

Hello CDA Parents and Kids!

I had a wonderful break and fit in several vacations. We started out with the "big one" driving to FL with my parents and going to Disney World and Universal Studios. We also took some time to go to Cocoa Beach and enjoy that scene. Our other trips were getting together with Steve's family in WI, along with beach and tent camping trips to MI.

We also had a blast in my summer programs learning, getting ahead, doing hands on projects, and enjoying each others company! I hope you had a great summer and I can't wait to catch up with each of you during the school year!

There is a new adventure I am starting at CDA... after my experience of homeschool last year and conducting this "experiment" on my own kids (haha), I am opening a homeschool program for this year on a very limited basis and hoping to grow my business philosophy of teaching academic and emotional excellence in the future.

So now it is time to start getting ourselves organized for a new year of progress and challenges to come. If your kids have their books, have them start reading! This is the BEST way to not get behind... start reading your science and math books and doing problems. Chapter 1 is usually a review anyway and always feel free to reach out to me if you need more materials or worksheets to supplement their learning. I am putting my schedule together right now and will let you know when it is live on my site. As we witnessed last year, the sessions fill up fast so try and plan ahead. I would always recommend starting tutoring earlier than later... I have had so many students in the past come for help when they were already struggling. This is definitely the most stressful route and warrants more tutoring time to get caught up.

Have a wonderful last week of break and I am eager to serve your academic and life coaching needs this coming year of school!

Seize the Day!

Tika Haake, Owner

CarpeDiem Academics, Inc.


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